Updated on February 11th, 2025.
Amaury Sport Organisation (A.S.O.), a French Limited Company with a capital of €61,200,240, registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register (RCS) under number 383 160 348, headquartered at Bâtiment Quai Ouest, 40-42 Quai du Point du Jour, CS90302, 92650 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex, France, (hereinafter “We”) collects and processes data to optimize the use of our website www.timeto.com (hereinafter the “Site”) by users (hereinafter “You”) and the services proposed by the Site (hereinafter “Services”).
A.S.O. knows that You care about how Your Personal Data is processed and the importance to protecting Your privacy.
This Privacy Policy (hereinafter the "Policy") explains how A.S.O. collects and processes Your Personal Data on Our Site and on the mobile applications for the Events We organize, whether connected or not. It explains what type of information and data We collect, what We do with them and for which purposes to make sure this use suits Your needs.
By using Our Site or Our Services, You agree to the processing of Your Personal Data as explained in this Policy, which is part of the time to Terms and Conditions of Use, available here: https://www.timeto.com/en/cgu.
Please be aware that to use the Site and its Services, You must agree in full to this Policy, the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Additional Terms and Conditions of Use communicated to You when You order a product, or a service related to an Event proposed in the Site. The French version of this Policy takes precedence over any translation and is the sole authentic version.
Please be aware that to use the Site and its Services, You must agree in full to this Policy, the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Additional Terms and Conditions of Use communicated to You when You order a product, or a service related to an Event proposed in the Site.
The French version of this Policy takes precedence over any translation and is the sole authentic version.
In this Policy, words or expressions beginning with a capital letter refer to the terms defined in the Terms and Conditions of Use or defined in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the General Data Protection Regulation, "GDPR"), Article 4.
“Consent” of the data subject means any freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes by which they, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, indicate agreement to the processing of Personal Data relating to them. We will ask for Your Consent to process Your information in specific cases such as whether You want to receive marketing communications from Our partners.
“Personal Data” (hereinafter “Data”) means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (the “data subject”). An “identifiable natural person” is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.
“Event” means the gathering of sports people taking part in a competitive or non-competitive physical activity.
“Legitimate interest” is one of the six legal bases provided under the GDPR for processing personal data or information. The legitimate interests of a controller or of a third party can provide a legal basis for processing, provided that a few conditions are met, for example: it must be necessary to achieve certain purposes; it must not adversely affect the rights and interests of the data subjects in light of their reasonable expectations; and it must be legitimate. Following the recommendations of the French data protection authority, CNIL, A.S.O has conducted a legitimate interest assessment (LIA) to ascertain its validity as a legal basis for data processing relative to similar Services.
“Rules” are the sports rules and the general conditions applicable to the organization of an Event.
“Applicable Regulations” means Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, on data processing, files and civil liberties as amended (the "Data Protection and Civil Liberties" Act), Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), and any other applicable regulations relating to the protection of personal data.
“Data Controller” means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or other body that, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. In this case, A.S.O. is the Data Controller when it is the Organizer of an Event. “Similar Services” means services and products that look like the products and services that You have already purchased on this Site. Since the services purchased on this Site are large sporting events, similar services proposed will relate to running, triathlon and cycling events organized by A.S.O.
“Data Processor” means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller. A.S.O may be the Processor when it organizes events on behalf of other Organizations, for example.
“Sporting Universe” (hereinafter “Universe”) means all public Events or competitions organized or co- organized by A.S.O., proposed or sold on time to, including running, cycling and triathlons. The terms "You," "Your", and "Yours" refer to You, as a user of the Site or as a parent or legal guardian (major) if the user is a minor in his country of residence.
A.S.O. can be either the Data Controller or Processor.
- A.S.O. is the Data Controller when it is the Organizer of the Event You participate in. In this case, A.S.O. provides You with a product or service directly.
- A.S.O. is the Processor when it markets an Event organized by another Organizer. In this case, A.S.O. provides You with a service or sells You a product on behalf of another Sports Event Organizer.
The additional Terms and Conditions of Use, and/or the Terms and Conditions of Sale and/or the Event's sports Rules, define the Event Organizer(s) as the Data Controller for the Data You provide when You register for an Event (Registration process) or when You purchase products or services in the Site.
The Organizer undertakes to comply with the data protection regulations in force and with GDPR, as well with any Digital Regulation. The Organizer undertakes to:
- process Your Data for the purposes described in the Article "Purposes of Use" or in the Additional Terms and Conditions of Use, if applicable.
- limit access by employees and authorized personnel only to the information required for the purposes for which Your Data is processed.
- after conducting an audit on a documentary basis of Processors that are likely to access, host and/or process some of Your Data, enter a contract with the Processors that have proven compliance with the data protection regulations in force and with all applicable cybersecurity laws.
All Processors will act on behalf of the Data Controller, as set out in the Event Rules. Processors will ensure Your Data is protected, secured and private, in compliance with this Policy and any applicable data protection and cybersecurity laws.
When You use the Site, You provide Us with a certain amount of Personal Data, either directly (3.1) or indirectly (3.2), for example when You create an account or when You fill in your registration for an Event sold in time to.
3.1 Personal Data directly collected by A.S.O.
You are informed that when You use the Site, We directly collect and process Data required to create Your user account or to register for an Event sold by time to. If You do not enter the required information, You will not be able to create Your account and/or register for the relevant Event or to pay for Your registration to the Event.
Other types of Data are optional. You decide whether you fill this information out.
1. Mandatory Declarative Data
This is the information that You provide directly to Us when You create an account in the Site or when You register for an Event sold by the Site.
When You create Your account, You will need to create a strong login and password, following the recommendations of the French data protection authority, CNIL. This password must contain 12 characters with figures, capital letters, lower case letters and symbols. We will remind you the rule to create your password when you proceed to its creation.
When You register for an Event, the required Personal Data fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
The following Data are required. This list may change in line with changes in the law or with A.S.O.’s technical or organizational requirements.
a) When You create Your account
We will ask You to enter the identification data below:
- Email address
- Last name
- First name
- Date of birth
- Country of residence
b) When You register for an Event proposed by Our Site
To register You for a public sporting Event, We need to collect Your identification Data, together with the identification Data of Your emergency contact, whom We would need to get in touch with in case of an emergency and whether You are unable to give us this information directly: accident, hospitalization, or other:
- Last name
- First name
- Date of birth
- Nationality
- Gender
- Email address
- Full postal address
- Telephone number with the country code to be selected among a list.
- For some countries only: Your national identity card or passport number
- The information of your emergency contact: name and telephone number with the country code.
We also need to collect the following information:
- photos and videos taken at the Events and on which You may be recognized: for a Public event, and as You have read and agreed to in the Sports Rules, You transfer Your image rights to A.S.O. for the use of the photos taken in the Event;
- medical certificate stating that there are no medical reasons preventing You from participating in the Event you registered to. This document is important for Your safety and allows Us to ensure that You can take part without any problem in the Events for which You have registered.
- As far as running Events are concerned, You will need to edit and download into your account, Your Health Prevention Course certificate. First, you will need to validate the Health Prevention Course at the Federation’s Site: https://pps.athle.fr/?locale=en
We also collect Data to help Us improve Your whole sport’s experience and of the Event’s organization:
- depending on the Events You register for, We will ask You to provide information about your sport’s level, Your experience, Your targeted time, Your T-shirt size, why You register for the Event, or any other information that will help us improve the organization of the Event. This list is not exhaustive and is subject to change, depending on the type of Events sold by the Site.
c) Transaction Data
When You make an order, Our PCI-DSS-certified payment provider, Adyen, collects and processes Data relating to Your payment means:
- payment card number
- card expiry date
- card cryptogram
Your card details are never stored for future purchases unless You have consented to storing these details during the transaction.
Your payment means are never sent unsecured over the Internet. When You provide Your card details during the Transaction, they are encrypted using a security protocol.
d) Connection Data
These anonymous Data are collected for strictly technical reasons. We Use this information to resolve any arising technical issues requiring information about Your browser and its security level. If necessary, we will ask You to provide:
- information about Your browser
- information about Your operating system.
2. Optional Data requested
These are personal data that you can choose to provide but that is not required to create Your account or to register for an Event. Data fields not marked with an asterisk are optional. They include:
- Your photograph
- Your nickname.
This list is not exhaustive and is subject to change. Please check our Privacy Policy on a regular basis.
3.2 Personal Data collected indirectly by A.S.O.
These are Data that You do not provide directly, but that We collect when You browse the Site. This is information relating to the use of the Site, and particularly Your exchanges with Our services, the number of Your registrations for Events or the sports results You have obtained.
We process Your Data according to the purposes for which Your provided them.
The legal basis for using the Data collected when You use the Site are:
- Your Consent;
- Our Legitimate Interest.
4.1 Your Consent
When You enter Your Data In the Site to select an Event and register for it, You express Your Consent and Wish to take part in the said Event. You give your Consent for us to process Your Data for the following Purposes:
- to register You for the Events in the Universes proposed by Our Site.
- to process, track and manage Your registrations for the Events (giving you a bib; your time, etc.).
- to transmit to the Photographs working with us your email so that they can propose You the photographs of the Events where you participated, if you ever want to buy them.
- to propose you with tailored Services, particularly about the information entered in Your account or during registration for an Event: advice, training programs, photos, videos, or any item You select.
- to give You or the persons of Your choice access to Your Photos and videos taken on the day of the Event.
- to send you promotional offers from Site partners.
- to allow You to share Your name, photo, and Events in which you took part with your friends on Facebook.
- to collect information through surveys or questionnaires that We send You after your participation in an Event. At all times, you control whether You agree to answer a survey or questionnaire by clicking the Unsubscribe link in the emails or by connecting to Your Account and unchecking the relevant box.
- to organize lotos and games that You can sign up for;
- for any other purpose specified when collecting Data and for which Your Consent will be requested.
4.2 Our legetimate interest
We Process the following Data based on Our Legitimate Interest or Your Legitimate Interest:
- to make sure that You are not medically prevented from taking part in the Event You have registered for
- to promote Our Events by publishing photographs that You might appear in and to which you have waived your image rights.
- to send You emails or to put messages on the Site to provide You with:
- confirmation that Your account has been created.
- information, announcements, and updates concerning the Site.
- summary messages of Your password and login.
- confirmation of Your order and payment receipt when You register for an Event.
- newsletters with information on the time to Universe and/or the Event You registered for.
- information to correct account errors.
- to send promotional offers, ads, or other marketing communications on Similar Services or Products.
- to give You Your results, send Your certificates.
- to conduct anonymous surveys on the sporting features of Event participants for the purposes of segmentation. These are used to tailor Our communications, products and services and improve Your customer experience
- to combat fraud and collect unpaid bills.
- to manage, amend and improve the Site and Our Services
- to manage marketing and promotion of Our Services
- to look after the health of participants through the provision of Covid-19 negative test documents.
5.1 The importance of Your Consent
We never sell or rent out Data to third parties. Your information is used in strict compliance with applicable data protection laws. You and you alone control how We use Your Personal Data by giving or withdrawing Your Consent at any time.
5.1.1 When You register for an Event organized by a third-party Organizer, without A.S.O.’s involvement in this organization, You authorize Us to provide that Organizer with Your profile Data. In this scenario, the third-party Organizer is the Data Controller and A.S.O the Processor, in compliance with applicable Regulations.
The third-party Organizer and A.S.O. are accountable to You for adhering to and complying with applicable Regulations.
5.1.2 By subscribing for and taking part in a sports Event, You understand and agree that the Event Organizer may publish Your activity, results and performance.
To access to Your results, you will need to connect to your profile. By clicking on the name of the Event, You will access the page of the timekeeper of the Event, Chrono-Course, and you will be able to see all your results, rankings, etc. IF YOU WISH TO OBJECT TO SUCH PUBLICATION OF YOUR INFORMATION OR IF YOU WISH TO ANONYMIZE YOUR RESULTS, WE RECOMMEND YOU TO DO THE REQUEST PRIOR TO THE EVENT, by writing to dpo@aso.fr or by filling the form in the site, at https://www.timeto.com/en/request-management. If you ever ask for the anonymization after the Event has taken place, it is possible that the results have already been published by the Organizer or by other organizations.
Once published, Your results can be taken up by any media. Publication of results by a media constitutes Data processing for the purposes of information and therefore constitutes a derogation from Data protection under GDPR, No. 153.
Likewise, should You wish a site other than time to to dereference your results or personal data, A.S.O. will only be able to act on its publications and references. We advise You to consult the privacy policy of the site concerned and to contact the third-party site directly to make Your request for de-referencing.
Nor is A.S.O. liable for publication or removal of this information when the Event is organized by a third-party Organizer.
5.1.3 If You have given Your consent by checking the appropriate box on the Site when You registered for an Event, You may receive marketing and/or promotional offers by email :
- from Site partners and/or A.S.O.’s partners to whom Data may be transmitted for the purposes described in the opt-ins.
- from the Event Organizer’s partners, if applicable.
You can log in to Your profile to change your preferences at any time. Your Consent to receive this type of communication is directly managed by the Organizer. A.S.O. declines all liability in this regard for all Events for which it is not the Organizer.
5.1.4 When You register for an Event, You can, if you wish, opt to link Your Facebook or X account to share Your last name, first name and photo with Facebook and/or X.
If so, Facebook or X will request Your Consent to share:
- the list of Your friends that use time to and who have also shared their friends list with time to
- Your email address.
In terms of data protection and security, A.S.O. cannot be held liable for any problems You could face when connecting these accounts. We recommend You to read Meta and X privacy policies to be aware about how Meta and X protect Your Data: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/policy/ https://x.com/en/privacy
5.1.5 Before proceeding with the payment of Your services and/or products, We will ask You for several consents, allowing Us to verify that You have read, understood and that You accept the various legal documents of the Site (Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, Conditions of Sale) as well as the Rules of the Event. Please be aware that without this consent, You will not be able to pay for Your registration for the Event or for any other products or services You have purchased.
5.2 Our legitimate interest
You become an A.S.O. Customer when You register for a sporting Event proposed by the Site. The email address You provide during registration for a sporting Event competition We propose will be used subsequently to propose You with Similar Services managed by A.S.O.
Similar Services are products and services that have points of similarity with the products and services You purchase in this Site. The services purchased on this Site are part of the Universe of Sports Events for the public Events; the Similar Services proposed will concern future marathons, triathlons and cycling events organized by A.S.O.
This processing is based on Our Legitimate Interest in marketing with respect to Article L.34-5 of the French Post and Telecommunications Code. Your Personal Data are protected in compliance with the e-Privacy Directive, the upcoming e-Privacy Regulation, the GDPR, and all local or international Digital Regulation.
We will only communicate Your email address to Our partners if You have given Your Consent.
We use the Data collected when You register to create Your sports profile and provide You with products and services in line with Your expectations.
The Data We collect may be transmitted to:
- Organizers, different from A.S.O., of Events proposed by the Site to confirm Your participation in the Event and to ensure the Event is organized efficiently. In these cases, the Organizers are the Data Controllers and A.S.O is their Processor.
- Commercial partners of the Site, if You have given Your Consent, to propose to You products and/or services, either alone or jointly with A.S.O, for the purposes of direct marketing and/or advertising of their products and services;
Public Authorities: the Organiser may be required to provide Your Personal Data upon request to any judicial or public authority authorized by law to request it. The Organizer must disclose Your Data to the police to comply with its legal obligations, with national security laws. Your Consent is not required in this specific case, pursuant to the derogation in GDPR, Article 49. - Processors with which A.S.O. works for the provision of technical, commercial, legal, or financial services for the purpose of providing You with Services, in particular Data hosting and carrying out transactions. Processors act on behalf of A.S.O. and follow A.S.O.'s instructions. Processors act on behalf of A.S.O. and follow Our instructions.
We share Your Data with the following Data Processors and Third Party:
- Website developer and host: Njuko SAS Njuko is a French technology company specialized in the development of registration sites for sports events. Their headquarters are located at:
65 avenue de Bayonne, Espace Agoretta, 64210 Bidart, France
Njuko provided A.S.O. with all the guarantees in terms of data protection and security, including: 3 secure backups of the data on servers located in the European Union, France, the Netherlands, and Ireland; Safety tests carried out 2 times a year. - Payment processor: Adyen N.V. Adyen is a Dutch payment platform, headquartered at:
Simon Carmiggeltstraat 6-50 1011 DJ Amsterdam The Netherlands
Adyen has provided A.S.O. with all the guarantees in terms of data protection and security, including PCI-DSS certification, data hosting in servers and data centers located within the European Union, SOC2 Type 2 audited by an external auditor once a year, encryption of data at rest and in transit. - Delivery Processor: La Poste Group You have the option of asking Us to send your bib to your home, whether in France or internationally. All shipments are made using the services of the La Poste Group, whose head office is located at:
9 rue du colonel Pierre Avia 75015 Paris France
To acknowledge its compliance obligations, La Poste regularly audits its technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the Data collected and processed. - Timekeeping subcontractor: SARL Chrono-course Chrono-course is a French limited liability company, leader in the timing of sports events to produce official rankings. Chrono-course is in France, at the following address:
Parc Tertiaire de Laroiseau 11 rue Ella Maillart 56000 Valves France
Chrono-course has provided A.S.O. with all the guarantees in terms of data protection and security, including: a limited retention period, your data being archived after two months and deleted after one-year, total encryption of the database, backup of the data in their own servers, hosted in France. - Third Party Selling Options When you register for an Event, you also have the possibility of benefiting from a personalized offer, corresponding to your interests or your desires: medal engraved with your name, tourist visits, etc. When You purchase services sold by third parties, we invite You to carefully read their General Terms and Conditions of Sale, their Privacy Policy and their Terms of Use, before making any payment whatsoever.
We retain Your Data for the required legal retention periods, depending on the type of Data and the purpose.
7.1.1. In general, A.S.O. keeps Your Data throughout Your activity on the Site and for three (3) years from the date You were last active (account log-in, taking part in an event, purchase on time to, etc.).
At the end of the three-year period, A.S.O. will send You a reminder by email. If You donothing and/or do not reply, A.S.O. will delete Your account and all Your Personal Datano later than the end of the month in whichYoureceived thereminder byemail.
Nevertheless, when exceptional circumstances so require or a case of force majeure (i.e.: Covid-19 pandemics), or when law obliges Us to cancel the Events proposed by timeto, and We are not able to propose You anything during a long period of time, We will exceptionally retain Your Data for the same period of time concerned by the exceptional circumstances. We consider this period being a blank calendar period.
7.1.2. A.S.O. will not store any health data viewed/consulted when the participant provided the document proving they had tested negative for Covid-19.
7.1.3. In general, Our Payment Provider, Adyen, retains Your Data up to a maximum period of twenty-four (24) months following the completion of Your transaction: the information of the card You used to pay our products and/or services in timeto. Therefore, when exceptional circumstances occur, We are able to put in place refund options and we will proceed to refund you easily.
7.1.4. For limited and legally allowed reasons (payment, guarantee, dispute, etc.) or for any other purpose specified in the Terms and Conditions of Use and Terms and Conditions of Sale, A.S.O. will temporarily store Your Data in a secure digital vault. We will store Your archived Data in France on servers belonging to Our data archiving service provider, Xélyans.
Only staff duly authorized by A.S.O. will have access to these Data for a period required by law, depending on the type of Data and the purpose for which they are archived. At the expiry of this legal period, Your Data will be definitively and securely deleted.
8.1 Your rights
Your personal data is protected under data protection law, including French Law No. 78-17 on data processing, files and civil liberties as amended in 2018 (the "Data Protection and Civil Liberties" Act) and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR). You have the right to access, rectify, delete, and restrict processing, the right to object and the right to portability of Your Data, pursuant to GDPR, Articles 15 to 21.
Right to access: you can request access to Your Data and to obtain the Data We hold concerning You, in accessible and legible form.
Right to rectify: you can request to have Your Data amended, corrected or updated if it is inaccurate or incomplete. You can also amend some of Your Data directly by logging in to Your profile.
Right to delete (right to be forgotten): you can ask Us to erase or delete some or all Your Data free of charge, within the limits of our duties and obligations under applicable Regulations.
Please be informed that We can agree to Your request to delete Your Data in Your account only after the Event You are registered for has ended. This is necessary for the Organizer to provide You with the information relating to the Event and deliver the Services, which you duly acknowledge and release the Organizer of all liability.
You are informed that following a three (3) year period of inactivity, Your Data is automatically deleted from our databases, retaining only such information as is required to comply with a legal obligation (the legally prescribed term to exercise a right to action or in defense) in a secure digital vault, accessible only by the legal department.
Right to restrict processing: you have the right to ask Us not to process some of Your Data, for instance where you challenge its accuracy or where you object to Processing. We will need to verify Your request. During this period, You may ask Us to temporarily halt Processing. However, even if we halt Processing, We can use Your Data for a right to bring an action or for defense in court, to protect the rights of another natural or legal person or for important reasons of public interest. For example, we will be unable to grant a request to restrict Processing of a photo in which other people appear with You, as We would be infringing on the rights of others.
Right to object: you have the right to object to the processing of Your Personal Data if You can show that you have a compelling reason for doing so. You can object to marketing and to receiving emails from Us at any time, You will only need to click on the link at the bottom of the newsletter.
Right to data portability: you have the right to obtain the Data You provided solely based on Your consent or in a Contract, in a machine reading format.
Post-mortem right: you also have the right to give instructions on the retention, erasure, and disclosure of Your Data after Your death.
To do this you can:
- either give general or specific instructions on what happens to Your Data when You die, or
- nominate Your heirs and assigns to carry out Your wishes and implement Your instructions.
8.2. How can You exercice Your data protection rights?
Here’s how to exercise Your rights:
- with A.S.O. as regards Your account Data
- with the Organizer as regards the Data relating to Your participation in an Event.
When A.S.O. is the Event Organizer, all Your rights can be exercised with A.S.O.
To exercise all Your rights with regards to A.S.O. fill out the form here : https://www.timeto.com/en/request-management
When You have completed and submitted the form, Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) will be notified.
You can also exercise your rights by post to:
40- 42, Quai du Point du Jour, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt
Please be aware that we may ask you to give us the copy of a document proving your identity in certain cases: right to access, right to object and right to restrict processing. This will prevent identity theft, You will be asked to confirm Your identity. It will help us to prevent any identity theft. This information will be destroyed as soon as A.S.O. has verified Your identity.
A.S.O. will reply to Your requests to exercise Your rights within the statutory period of thirty (30) days following receipt of Your complete request. Failure to provide Us with all the information required for processing within the statutory period will extend this duration by the time taken to obtain all necessary documents.
You have the right to file a complaint before the French data protection authority, Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL) if You are not satisfied or if you consider that We have not respected Your rights.
8.3 How to exercice Your rights regarding marketing communications
You also have the right to object to receiving marketing communications in any form whatsoever.
8.3.1. If You are concerned about marketing calls, you can also object to the use of Your phone number by registering for free on the website www.bloctel.gouv.fr.
8.3.2. If You are concerned about marketing emails, You can unsubscribe from newsletters by clicking the Unsubscribe link in the newsletter.
8.3.3. If you are concerned about receiving marketing text messages, you can unsubscribe free of charge by texting “STOP SMS” to the number in the text message.
We will process Your requests within 48 (forty-eight) working hours at most, except for requests sent by post, which will be handled within 8 (eight) days.
You can exercise Your rights by:
- post to A.S.O., DATA PROTECTION OFFICER. Bâtiment Quai Ouest, 40-42 Quai du Point du Jour, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt, France
- email to Our Data Protection Officer at dpoaso@aso.fr
In accordance with the applicable data protection Regulations, We use appropriate technical and organizational measures to keep Your Data safe. These include “Data protection by design and by default”, audits of Our Processors and oversight of contractual relations with them, Site security, signature of Standard data protection clauses ensuring secure Data transfer, etc. We require the same stringent security and protection measure from Our service providers.
You are responsible for keeping the login and password you created when you registered in the Site safe and secure.
You undertake to keep Your account safe and secure and not to share Your password and login with anyone else.
This Privacy policy is subject to change, which will be effective immediately the revised Privacy policy is posted on www.timeto.com.
You will be notified on the Site home page or by email that the new Policy is available. It is important that You consult Our policy regularly to stay informed about any updates.
For all requests relative to this Privacy policy, please contact Us by post to A.S.O., DATA PROTECTION OFFICER, Bâtiment Quai Ouest, 40-42 Quai du Point du Jour, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt, France or by email to dpoaso@aso.fr.